
C. P. E. Bach: Complete works for Keyboard & Violin

Duo Belder Kimura
132:23 (2 CDs in a gem case)
resonus RES10192

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his is pretty much how to do it. Outstanding music, tracing a composer’s stylistic development in one genre over six decades; excellent essay; and fine recorded sound, all of which serve or deserve playing of the highest order. My only small gripes are that the booklet is in English only and that the essay deals with the works (eight sonatas, a fantasia and a set of variations) in chronological order but this is not how they appear on the discs. Track references are helpful in this situation. But to stress – the playing and the music are simply splendid, with the use of piano for the latest music a sonic reminder of CPE’s lengthy journey. If you like anything at all about 18th-century music – or even if you don’t – this is for you.

David Hansell

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