Ensemble Dreiklang Berlin
hänssler CD HC15052
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ince the default sound for organ in Sibelius is not very pleasant I often substitute a treble recorder for the right-hand staves when I am typesetting music that requires a baroque organ sound. The present recording is obviously far more musical than that, yet essentially these are transcriptions for recorder trio (they use a variety of instruments but there are no details in the booklet note) of music that works extremely well. Eight of the arrangements are published by Universal Editions, and another two by Edition Tre Fontane. The recorded sound is excellent, allowing each of the three voices to carry beautifully, even the ultra-slow speaking deep basses, without picking up too much interference between the various instruments (which can dog even the best recorder ensembles!), but also without robbing us of the chuffs that make them so characterful. Although all three players make use of vibrato, it is never allowed to upset the inner tuning. While there is not much “interpretation” (and I mean this in a very positive way!), Ensemble Dreiklang are not above having fun with Bach – there are all sorts of raucous noises in the Polonaise from Anna Magdalena’s book, and the title piece is given a lively rendition, showing that it can be done à3 and without going OTT…
Brian Clark
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