
The Hunt is Up

Ross Duffin’s Shakespeare’s Songbook is quoted as the main source, though the scorings and adaptations are occasionally a bit odd. The main singer has an English accent that is a bit variable

Shakespeare’s Songbook: Tunes and Ballads from the Plays of William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
The Playfords
Raum Klang RK 3404

[dropcap]R[/dropcap]oss Duffin’s Shakespeare’s Songbook is quoted as the main source, though the scorings and adaptations are occasionally a bit odd. The main singer has an English accent that is a bit variable – why sing “Willow, willow, willow, villlow”? The other performers are Annegret Fischer (recorders), Erik Warkenthin (lute & guitar), Benjamin Dressler (viol & violone) & Nora Thiele (percussion & colascione). The ensemble is not, however, strong enough for Elgar! Nor is there any evidence I know of for mixing pieces in short snippets. It is entertaining, but the title “The Playfords” suggests a slightly later style than Shakespeare, whose last works were about 40 years before Playford came on the scene, though there is no particular indication that the ensemble’s scorings and backings match either Shakespeare or Playford consistently. Worth hearing, but don’t imitate!

Clifford Bartlett


The video belong is mostly in German.

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