Vitae Pomeranorum – Zaginiony Świat Muzyki Pomorskiej, Volumen 1
The FAMD.PL Orchestra, dir. Paweł Osuchowski
Recart 0014
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he English version of the Polish in the heading is “The lost world of Pomeranian music”; Pomerania – in its send of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern across the north of Germany and Poland (to save you a trip to!) – was apparently a hotbed of creativity. Anton Rösler was, in fact, born in Bohemia (like so many 18th-century composers) and is generally just one of many names that gets bandied about in discussions of the classical symphony. These lively and stylish performances of three four-movement pieces reveal a composer worthy of far more than a footnote! Particularly the symphony in G minor should be in every chamber orchestra’s repertory – the “hints of Mozart” highlighted in the booklet notes (printed on a large fold-out sheet) are extremely pronounced. What I especially enjoyed about the renditions was their honesty; the horns are rustic and (frankly) raucous at points, but what point do the players have? That is the very nature of their instrument, and it gives a truer account of the sound world inhabited by the composer. Rosetti died the year after Mozart and was only six years older than him, so his was another life cut too short. I have enjoyed listening to this disc many times over the past few weeks and shall definitely return to them when I am in need of uplifting.
Brian Clark
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