Ronald Brautigam fortepiano, Die Kölner Akademie, Michael Alexander Willens
Concertos 8, 11 & 13 (K246, 413 & 415)
[dropcap]I[/dropcap] think the biggest compliment I can pay to these performances is that I didn’t really notice them. I was just aware of Mozart’s genius in this genre – which the players present admirably with many a subtle nuance and the rich colours of a period orchestra (strings 44222). K413 and 415 are two of the three concertos which the composer said could be played with ‘merely a Quattro’ though here they get the full treatment. The piano (McNulty 2013 after Walter 1802) can be both lyrical and sparkling under the fingers of this master pianist and avoids the tendency one sometimes hears in fortepianos of sounding out of tune even when it isn’t. There’s a lot I could say, but just look at the stars – I seldom give 5 for anything.
David Hansell
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