Chantal Santon-Jeffrey & Daniela Skorka dessus, Mathias Vidal & Jeffrey Thompson haute-contre, Alain Buet basse-taille, Purcell Choir, Orfeo Orchestra, Győrgy Vashegyi
96:07 (2 CDs in a wallet)
Glossa GCD 923508
Cantate Domino, De Profundis, Magnus Dominus, Nisi Dominus
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ondonville’s grands motet s are just wonderful – core repertoire at the Concert Spirituel in his day and steadily gaining ground in ours. Cantate Domino is here recorded for the first time. It begins with a well-crafted chorus of which Handel would have been proud and continues with a duet and a series of solo récits before a fine sequence of ensembles and choruses conclude matters. These performers have a strong record in French Baroque repertoire and maintain their standard here. The chorus is a little larger and therefore less focussed than would have been ideal but almost everything else is as good as one might hope for. I just long for the day when lady soloists don’t feel they have to try so hard.
David Hansell
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