Blandine Rannou harpsichord
158:11 (2 CDs in cardboard wrapper)
Alpha 322
Suites in c, d, D, g & G
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his is a re-issue of a recording from 2008 packaged in a basic cardboard sleeve, from which the booklet and discs have to be removed with some care. The instrument may well be the same splendid Ruckers/Hemsch copy used by Justin Taylor on ALPHA 247 – it is certainly equally rich and threatens to overwhelm the microphones from time to time. In this specific repertoire this may be because so much of it lies in the lower half of the range but also because in these performances Blandine Rannou is inclined to gild the lily with enriched harmony (as suggested by figures in the bass viol versions of the music) and little continuo-type splashes of counterpoint. Why not just find a friendly bass viol player?
David Hansell
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