Sheet music

Michele Pesenti: Complete Works

Edited by Anthony M. Cummings, Linda L. Carroll, and Alexander Dean
Recent Researches in the Music of the Renaissance, 171
liii + 218pp, $350
A-R Editions, Inc ISBN 978-1-9872-0139-0

So there are a total of 36 surviving pieces by Michele Pesenti (c. 1470-c1528), of which only three are sacred. The remainder survive as settings in four parts (mostly with only the top part texted) or for voice with lute. This excellent volume not only provides performing versions of them all, but goes to great lengths to explain how the poetry of the time works (and how that has guided the editors to underlay the text in the most appropriate fashion), as well as detailed commentaries on and translations of them all. Two of the secular pieces are Latin odes. The works with lute give both tablature and staff notation versions, making this music accessible to all performers of this neglected repertoire – it would be intriguing to hear the various settings of the same text one after the other (definitely NOT in one of these “mix and match” programmes that is de rigeur at the moment!).

This is a great example of scholars working together – thank goodness not all musicologists are as territorial as some I have encountered!

Brian Clark

Recording Uncategorized

Festive masses from Lambach Abbey

St. Florian Sängerknaben, Ars Antiqua Austria, Gunar Letzbor
Accent ACC 24358

There are obscure composers and then there are the likes of Benjamin Ludwig Ramhaufski and Joseph Balhasar Hochreither! The latter was born halfway through the lifetime of the former and, mostly on account of the prominent trumpet parts, there is not much to distinguish their music; indeed, on a blind listening, I defy even a seasoned lover of 17th-century music not to assume it’s either Schmelzer or Biber… Such is the quality of the polyphony and the lyrical ease of the melodies. Combining boy’s voices with those of six men works very well and the instrumentalists clearly enjoy the chamber music feel. Gunar Letzbor’s quest for “true sound” typically gives a dry edginess to his recordings, but here the rather warmer acoustic allows the sound to blossom a little without detracting from the detail. I have enjoyed having this CD in the car for the past few weeks – it is bright and uplifting, and I highly recommend it.

Brian Clark


Er heißet Wunderbar!

Barokkanerne, directed by Alfredo Bernardini

This is a beautiful CD combining cantatas by three of the candidates for the vacant Thomascantorate with a concerto by a fourth. The one-to-a-part singing lifts the music by Fasch and Graupner to a whole new level when compared to performances by choirs who have hitherto been the only ones to champion the repertoire, especially with four such skilled singers in fine voice and instrumental partners whose lightness of touch elevates the sound even more. Cecilia Bernardini’s rendition of Telemann’s little-played Concerto in E minor with two obbligato oboes is very impressive – I swear she must use olive oil on her bow rather than resin, so even and effortless do the pyrotechnics for both hands sound (rather like a swan, serenely gliding by frantically paddling out of sight!) “Schwingt freudig euch empor” is one of my favourite Bach cantatas and this performance is right up there amongst the best I have heard.

All the more frustrating therefore to read “For who has heard of Graupner, or of Fasch, and do we in hindsight really take the nimble multi-arted Telemann all that seriously?” in the booklet notes. Such opinions are fine, but actually printing them in a booklet like this undermines years and years of work to restore these composers’ reputations even to public notice at all. And even if the note writer doesn’t have much respect, Herr Bach most certainly did, so perhaps there’s a lesson to be learned there.

And then there is “The [Fasch] cantata’s brevity (perhaps a world record here) may suggest that the performances in Zerbst were not a significant part of the service”… First, the piece in question survives in a secondary source so who is to know what had happened to it in transmission? Secondly, a letter Fasch wrote in 1752 reveals that he had been told that music was taking up too much of the services so he had to halve the length of the figural music – and in those days you did as you were told. Besides, on a major church feast, the service also included a Missa brevis with Credo, so pretty much the equivalent of three cantatas in one sitting. Not to mention a Te Deum with “unter Paucken und Trompeten”. A little knowledge is, indeed, a dangerous thing – maybe someone who actually knows about the music might be asked to contribute their next booklet essay.

Brian Clark


Schütz: Resurrection of Christ, Ostermotetten

La Petite Bande, Sigiswald Kuijken
Accent ACC 24355

Nine singers, three viol players, an organ and Kuijken, playing both violin and violone, combine to produce a splendid CD of Schütz’s Easter music. As well as the substantial Easter story (SWV 50) there is the early dialogue (SWV 443) and three other pieces that provide more motet-like settings.

By contrast with later conventions, the narrative in SWV 50 is sung against a web of viols which sustain – and occasionally improvise – chords; the effect in Kuijken’s austere but beautiful performance is not unlike a lirone. The hieratic nature of this modal declamation with its repeated and formulaic cadences contrasts with the character parts in the drama, which are almost always sung by duets or sometime trios. Cleopas alone sings with a single line, and one duet is scored with a single voice and a violin. This use of pairs of voices, with their dramatic imitative writing, chromatic harmonies and colourful characterisation bridges the distance between the Italianate world of Monteverdi’s and Grandi’s duet writing and the chamber music of the court at Dresden and Schütz’s own Kleine geistliche Konzerte

In chamber music of this style, all depends on the quality of the voices and the intensity of the musicians’ commitment. Both are of the highest quality here. There are no overblown gestures vocally, and no attempts to make the music sound grander with unnecessary doubling or additional instrumental parts. The voices are beautifully balanced and the tenors range from the low to the very haute-contre, blending perfectly. And the convention of using a pair of equal voices to represent the Vox Christi as well as other characters has that magical surprise-factor that two singers give when they join to represent the voice of God in Benjamin Britten’s Abraham and Isaac. The two singers in SWV 443 singing ‘Maria’ or ‘Rabbuni’ produce the same effect. Per contra, the singers in Ich bin die Auferstehung (SWV 464) and Ich weiss dass mein Erlöser lebt (SWV 393) look forward to Johann Michael Bach and the German tradition in the last quarter of the 17th century. What a great deal, geographically as well as temporally, Schütz spanned.

The texts are in German, English and French, and so is the characteristic note by Kuijken. There are no details of the instruments, pitch or temperament, but otherwise this CD is a model of clarity, quality and collaborative musicianship.

David Stancliffe


Telemann: Oratorium zur Einweihung der neuen St.Michaelis-kirche 1762

Oratorio for the dedication of the new St.Michael’s Chruch 1762
Rahel Maas, Marian Dijkhuizen, Julian Podger, Klaus Mertens, Mauro Borgioni SmSTBB, Kölner Akademie, Michael Alexander Willens.
cpo 555 214-2

How fortunate we are to encounter another jewel in the CPO crown! To be able to hear a rather special oratorio following events from Hamburg’s eventful past. This music would probably be on a secret wish list, alone for its splendid panoply of instruments (two corps of three trumpets and drums, plus horns, flutes, oboes etc..), deployed with great inventiveness and impressive musico-pictorial flair; applied too with an ability that belies, defies even, the composer’s advanced age of 81! Added to this are the honed qualities of processional solemnity, religious reflections, and great topographical importance.

Within this fine late work, we find an inspired mind and agile quill wielded with considerable effect. This dedicatory music of just over one hour was placed within a whole series of prayers and readings lasting nearly four! The work in two parts, is split by a stunning instrumental chorale (Track 15) for six trumpets. This special oratorio was written by Joachim Johann Daniel Zimmermann, archdeacon of St.Caherine’s, someone with whom Telemann had already collaborated on several occasions, most notably the John Passion of 1745 (TVWV5:30). The background events to this special piece actually go back 12 years earlier, to the 10th March 1750, when – during a freak, violent storm – the original church was struck by ferocious lightening, hail, snow and rain, the latter seen as particular divine leniency, or possible redemption, dampening the flames, but not preventing the serious destruction of the church. This duality of mixed emotions is caught in the restorative, post-disaster aria (Track 11) “Thus grace and mercy were united” after the vividly portrayed horrors through tracks 7-10. With the wonderful aria (Track 13) the once scattered “flock” returns to the old place of worship. The lengthy (over five minutes) chorale at track 16, is to be sung by one and all of the congregation! This inclusivity is echoed in the finely measured aria (Track 18), “The Amen of your people resounds to your first, in the place consecrated by it!” The resounding “Es schallet” perfectly captured here. Track 20 captures a sense of what this all meant to the faithful Hamburgers to see their beloved and famous (iconic) St. Michaelis Church rise from the ashes and those double-edged lightening strikes; “Shall no adornment be spared…that makes your Hamburg glorious” (again)? In the quite lengthy recitative (Track 21), we hear of the monumental efforts to help bring about the re-building, and also perfectly reflected in the aria (Track 23) expounding the “Tempel” built by love, a labour of love, one could say? The music here has a really delightful, disarming effect, set in supreme contrast to the almost apocalyptic scenes heard before. The superb closing sequence starts with the magnificent aria (Track 27) with some lingering fearfulness of what happened to the previous building, yet exudes a proud sense of steadfastness until the End of days. The final two-verse chorale is adorned with judiciously applied trumpets and drums.

This is, in short, a really top-notch interpretation with Klaus Mertens and all, adding to our understanding of Telemann’s highly productive Hamburg years, through his amazing protean and prismatic musical imagination, tempered by the religious inspirations and impulses of the texts. O how lucky are we to turn a singular musical event into a multiple listening experience at the flick of a switch! Vintage late Telemann to be drunk in!

Just a final remarks:

1. Just the odd little slips in English translation, syntax goes astray (Aria Track 3), “Flock” (Track 13), semantics in line 4 (Aria 20).

2.No mention is given of the horn players? Unless there’s a missing “Horns” for the last named pair of the six trumpeters: Ute Rotkirch, Jaroslav Roucek?

3.Would have liked a touch more brightness in the recorded tone.

4.Booklet notes by Prof. Wolgang Hirschmann are studious and insightful.

David Bellinger


Vivaldi: Arie e cantate per contralto

Delphine Galou contralto
Accademia Bizantina, directed by Ottavio Dantone
Naïve OP30584

Three secular cantatas and eight opera arias, mostly either replacements or from incomplete operas, feature on this splendidly performed but musically uneven recital that is one of two new additions to Naïve’s massive Vivaldi Edition. Much the most satisfying is Cessate, omai cessate (RV 684), a late cantata for alto and strings dating from 1734-5. Superbly dramatic, it opens with an extended highly wrought accompanied recitative structured in three parts, the central one forming a contrasting arioso. The opening aria also brings contrast between barely suppressed unhappiness and the outburst of angst at ‘Ah, sempre più spietata’ (Ah, ever more merciless). The following recitative, a dark night of the soul, is given articulation in a final ‘ombra’-type aria of driving, febrile intensity. It is music that begs for performers able to do justice to its histrionic demands. Here it finds them. Since becoming husband and wife Delphine Galou and Ottavio Dantone have benefited mutually and immeasurably, the singer from her husband’s insistence on the importance of textural communication, while the once rather tense Dantone has noticeably relaxed. The results they achieve in Cessate are electrifyingly symbiotic, every word, every bar speaking of a unity of purpose that projects a profound musical and emotional experience. Listen, for example, in the first aria, to the way already mentioned contrast is handled, Galou’s ‘Ah’, expressive of volumes of pain, the fierce string chords a metaphorical blow to the solar plexus. In the second aria Galou’s inflexion on the words ‘Dorilla, l’ingrata, morire potrò’ (my italics) sear themselves into the mind, as does the wonderfully rounded chest note on the words ‘vendetta faro’ at the conclusion of the B section. This is the pastoral chamber cantata at its most potent and highly developed. A word of praise, too, for the stylish da capo decoration which always remains embellishment rather than the re-writing of the vocal line that too often passes as ornamentation

I’ve concentrated on Cessate to an unusual degree simply because nothing else on the CD comes close to matching it. That is no fault of the performers, who are indeed to be congratulated on making as much as possible of the two occasional cantatas (RV 685 & 686) composed during the period spent in Mantua in the service of the imperial governor, Prince Philip of Hesse-Darmstadt (1718-20). Both are crumbs from Vivaldi’s table, notable for little more than the presence of braying horns in RV 686, symbolic of aristocratic hunting – and obsequious ceremonial.

The notes are by no means of the scholarly standard expected from this series, especially as regards the opera arias. We should have been told that La Candace, composed for Mantua in 1720, is a lost work of which only 11 arias survive, three of which are given here. The most winning is ‘Caro pupille’, charming as to both music and text, and here sung by Galou with affectionate fervour. It is also inaccurate to term Damira’s aria from La verità in cimento (Venice, 1720) ‘positive and reassuring’, since it is neither, being a comic aria with asides of insincere mockery. I assume it was an inserted aria, since although the note-writer informs us it comes from act 2, scene 3, it was not included in the Vivaldi Edition complete recording of La verità. And if you wonder about the unfamiliar Tieteberga (Venice, 1717), it too is now lost, the sole remaining fragment being the indifferent replacement aria recorded here.

In the context of my near-unbounded enthusiasm, a couple of minor caveats must be recorded. Although far less aggravating than at one time, Dantone is not beyond irritating mannerisms, the worst of them the mannered slowing up at cadences. His penchant for fussy continuo and intrusive theorbo twiddles remains annoying. Galou’s formidable technical arsenal would be near complete, were she to develop a proper trill. However, make no mistake – these splendidly performed and vividly communicative performances are streets ahead of what we all too often encounter in this kind of repertoire

Brian Robins


Theile: Seelen-Music

Sacred Concertos
Dorothee Mields, Hamburger Ratsmusik, Simone Eckert
cpo 555 132-2

There is more to this disc than meets the eye; for a start, half of the music is not by Theile! There are two substantial vocal pieces by the rather more obscure Christian Flor (1626-97), as well as three four-part instrumental suites by the (to me, at least!) totally unknown Gregor Zuber (c. 1610->73).

The five gamba players of Hamburger Ratsmusik are complemented by theorbo and keyboard continuo. They produce a bright consort sound, each of the lines clearly (though not artificially so!) delineated. I was reminded at various points of William Lawes and John Jenkins. The singing is gorgeous – no-one who visits the site very often will be surprised, as Dorothee Mields (certainly in this repertoire) can do no wrong; crystal clear pronunciation, delicate phrasing and shaping of individual notes. In short, the ideal performer for this music which drew even a heathen like me into its soul. I imagine gamba players will be familiar with Zuber’s suites – if they are not, they should seek them out. Christian Flor may nowadays be deemed obscure, but his two contributions (one in Latin and one in German) are no mere padding – they well deserve a place on this very enjoyable recording.

Brian Clark


Selichius: Opus novum

Sacred Concertos
Weser-Renaissance, Manfred Cordes
cpo 555 223-2

For the third volume of their Musik aus Schloss Wolfenbüttel series, Manfred Cordes and Weser-Renassaince Bremen have chosen extracts from Daniel Selichius’s enormous Opus novum collection, printed there in 1623/24. Selichius succeeded the far-better-known Michael Praetorius as Kapellmeister in 1721, and, although much of the music published in the set had probably been composed years before, it is clear that their musical styles were very similar.

As Carsten Niemann’s note points out, Selichius makes clever use of instruments (he draws attention, for example, to the low winds in one piece symbolising imprisonment and the high winds which immediately follow as representing the exhiliration of gaining freedom).

The seven singers (who never all join together!) and 14 instrumentalists (six strings, six-part wind ensemble with chitarrone and organ continuo) are outstanding and the recorded sound is glorious. The psalm settings amply demonstrated Delichius’s musical talents, and range from a duet for soprano and tenor to three words for ten “voices” and one for 11. If you love Gabrieli or Praetorius, do not hesitate to add this gem to your CD collection.

Brian Clark


Caccini: Le Nuove Musiche

Riccardo Pisani tenor, Ricercare Antico
Brilliant Classics 95794

Giulio Caccini’s Le Nuove Musiche, the first volume of which appeared in 1602, is for the most part better known by name than in performance. As every student of music history knows, it is a collection of solo songs composed over some two decades. It owes its name and existence to the experimentation and theories of the Count Bardi’s Florentine Camerata, an academic gathering of which Caccini was a member. Although not quite as ground-breaking as its composer suggested, this ‘new music’ played a fundamental role in the birth of a form that emerged at much the same time as publication of Le Nuove Musiche and which to this day plays a major role in musical life – opera.

Presciently, as if its author was unconsciously aware of its epoch-making importance, the volume was preceded by a lengthy forward that is part manifesto, part singing tutor that is essential study for any singer aspiring to sing the vocal music of the 17th century. Basically the songs fall into one of two forms: strophic songs with a number of verses, often punctuated by an intervening ritornello, and freer structures, sometimes in several sections responding to the verse. The former are generally of a lighter character, often dance-like and incorporating hemiola (syncopated) rhythms – what Caccini terms ‘airy musics’ – while the latter are used for more serious topics. Anyone familiar with Monteverdi’s Orfeo will realise that it includes examples of both.

Caccini’s prime prerequisites for the performance of these songs are recognition of the importance of the text and its communication to the listener. In the Preface he lays stress on realising the emotions, which may change rapidly and which, in Caccini’s words, require an ‘increasing and abating’ of the voice. He also has much to say on ornamentation, in particular the trill, repeated note decoration, and gruppo, which more closely resembles the later Baroque trill.

So how do these performances by the Italian tenor Riccardo Pisani measure up to such tutoring? Not too well, I’m afraid. On the credit side he has obviously taken the trouble to think about the text, while he also articulates and projects words well. But though the voice itself is agreeable enough it lacks the colour and personality to make enough of this music, even the most famous of the songs, ‘Amarilli’ failing to beguile as it should. In short, there is little in the way of responding to Caccini’s ‘increasing and abating’ of the voice. Technically, too, although Pisani shows a reasonable grasp of the style, the voice is not always evenly produced, there is a surfeit of vibrato and the singer’s handling of those all-important ornaments lacks confidence. Too often the need for decoration is passed over and embellishment that is attempted often sounds sketchy. It is sobering to recall that Nigel Rogers was singing this kind of repertoire with far greater style and grasp of the correct ornamentation nearly 50 years ago. Pisani is not helped by the over- elaborate and at times intrusive continuo contribution of Ricercare Antico (violin, harp, archlute and theorbo, violone and (sigh) Baroque guitar), who also intersperse rather more satisfying instrumental performances of items by Filippo Nicoletti, Frescobaldi and Stefano Landi, the last named rather curiously described in the notes as ‘a specialist in instrumental music’.

As is customary with Brilliant Classics you will have to go their website for the Italian/English texts, but be warned that if you print them off (as I did) you will get some odd spacing results.

Brian Robins


Monteverdi: Salve morale e spirituale

La Venexiana, Claudio Cavina
208:44 (3 CDs in a card triptych)
Glossa GCD920943

Claudio Cavina’s La Venexiana has hit on a good way of presenting the Selva morale e spirituale, Monteverdi’s late collection of music (largely) for the church, which they seem to have recorded way back in 2005, in the week-long festival of Church Music in Cuenca in Spain, but have only released in this form this year.

The music is divided between three CDs, the first two cast in the form of extended settings of Vespers and the third as a Missa Solemnis. This enables them to use almost all the religious music in the great compendium. I say ‘almost’ advisedly. For example, the seven-voice Gloria is substituted for that in the Missa for four voices, and the Credo has the fuller scored Crucifixus, Et Resurrexit and Et iterum substituted for those parts. The third Confitebor finds a place as the Offertorium in this third CD and Memento Domine David (Psalm CXXXI – 132 in the Coverdale scheme) is squeezed in as a kind of Post Communion, with a couple of Marian pieces – the extended Salve Regina – Audi cœlum verba mea and then the Pianto della Madonna doing duty for the Angelic salutation at the end of mass. There is no space for two of the hymns or Ab æterno but everything else religious is there in the three CDs that total 210 minutes.

La Venexiana in those days comprised three soprani and an alto (Cavina) with two tenori and two bassi, with SAATTB ripieni; two violini, four tromboni, violone, organ and two chitarroni complete the band.

Like Monteverdi’s better-known 1610 publication, the later collection exhibits Monteverdi’s dazzling ability to write in a wide variety of styles, to use parody techniques, and to provide music for virtually every kind of occasion. Selva is less coherent as a collection than 1610, but Cavina’s shaping of the material shows how versatile and useful his late assemblage proves to be. For the most part, his ‘scoring’ is exemplary, even if some of the voices – especially the soprani, with a pretty dramatic and so at times rather vibrato-laden tone – are probably not what everyone would choose 14 years later. If you were brought up – as I was – on Andrew Parrott’s Reflex/EMI recording of some of the Selva material in Vespers format with Emma Kirkby singing, nothing will quite replace the clarity and vivacity of that ground-breaking 1980s disc.

The performances, with a good deal of vocal OVPP singing, are stylish, if slightly dated. The broken voices blend well, and balance – including contrasts between florid solo singing and more substantial homophonic writing – are carefully worked out and executed. It is good to have (almost) the whole of the Selva available in a coherent form – I have reviewed other partial collections in the past few years – but this doesn’t quite set me on fire as I had hoped.

Partly it is the acoustic, which make much of the music sound too distant or just a bit foggy – it may well reflect the reality of Venice in the 1630s and 40s, but it is nowhere near as good as the continuing series of Schütz, for example, published by Carus to coincide with their new complete edition. Partly it is the feeling of sameness, which characterises the very different styles. Seconda prattica and various older styles rub shoulders and I was expecting a greater degree of differentiation.

But with these small reservations, I welcome this undertaking. I just wish that Andrew Parrott would gather today’s equivalent of his 1980s, and give us the rest!

David Stancliffe