
Graupner: Concerti e Musica di Tavola

Accademia Daniel, Shalev Ad-El
cpo 777 645-2
GWV301, 302, 306, 337 & 468

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] had never before come upon the suggestion that Uta Wald makes in the booklet notes that the impetus for Graupner to start writing purely instrumental music came in 1729 when the woodwind player Johann Michael Böhm fled to the court of Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart under threat of arrest for stealing – his salary had not been paid for a long time, so one might imagine he was desperate! The key point was, though, that he took all his music with him. Graupner, it seems, though technically responsible for all music at the court, had been so busy supplying music for performances in the chapel that he had more or less relied upon Böhm to take care of non-liturgical repertoire. For the present disc, Accademia Daniel have chosen solo concertos for violin, viola d’amore and bassoon, as well as a concerto that combines three bass soloists (chalumeau – a popular instrument in Darmstadt, it seems – cello and bassoon), and one of several of the composer’s Entratas “per la Musica di Tavola”, to all intents and purposes an orchestral suite, though eschewing the French overture associated with that form. All of the concertos are in the fast-slow-fast three movement form and have little in common with the Vivaldian model; in fact, the solo instrument is more just another colour on the composer’s palette. With that idea in mind, the wanton addition of a recorder to the final movement of the suite is easily forgiven. Graupner’s music takes some getting used to – what seem like normal baroque movements take some unexpected harmonic twists and turns, and his melodies frequently surprise; these players are well used to his music now, and their easy facility is reflected in some delightful performances.

Brian Clark

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Bach: Works for Harpsichord

Aapo Häkkinen
Naxos 8.573087
BWV818, 819, 832, 895, 896, 899-900, 917, 918, 922, 933-938, 952, 959, 961 & 993

In addition to the works listed on the title page of this CD, there are a large number of lesser-known works by Bach, some of which were quite unknown to me. They show Bach experimenting in a number of styles, sometimes sounding more like Telemann, sometimes more galant; at other times more rhapsodic or even more like an intellectual exercise in complex fugal forms. These factors alone would make this an interesting CD, but what makes the music work is the quality of the playing and Häkkinen’s choice of instrument. Recorded in a Finnish church, he uses a 1970 harpsichord by Rutkowski & Robinette after the 1760 Hass in the Yale instrument collection which has 1 x 16’, 2 x 8’, 1 x 4’ and 1 x 2’ (though this rank was not included by Rutkowski & Robinette), with buff stops to the upper 8’ and lower 16’. The instrument was beautifully prepared in a variety of temperaments for different sections of the pieces: 1/6 comma meantone, Kellner and Sorge. In the acoustic of the church and recorded exceptionally well, this gives a range of tone from the bell-like (the opening Prelude in A major is played on the 4’) to the ringingly rumbustious when the 16’ is used as well.

We know surprisingly little about Bach’s harpsichords. The only maker whose name is directly associated with Bach is Michael Mietke, the Berlin maker who delivered a harpsichord to Köthen in 1719, and none of his instruments that survive have a 16’. And while Zacharias Hildebrandt, who had care of the harpsichords in Leipzig churches at the end of Bach’s life, did build a large-scale instrument with a 16’ register, there is no evidence that Bach had one or used one. Yet on the evidence of the ringing clarity of the 16’ on this instrument in fugal writing as well as in the suites, I am persuaded that we should not dismiss the use of a large instrument of the Hildebrandt style being used in HIP of Bach.

David Stancliffe

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Steffani: Niobe, Regina di Tebe

Véronique Gens Niobe, Jacek Laszczkowski Anfione, Iestyn Davies Creonte, Alastair Miles Poliferno, Delphine Galou Nerea, Lothar Odinius Tiberino, Amanda Forsythe Manto, Bruno Taddia Tiresia, Tim Mead Clearte, Balthasar-Neumann-Ensemble, Thomas Hengelbrock
167:18 (3 CDs)
Opus Arte OA CD9008D

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his is a recording of the recent Covent Garden production, directed by Lukas Hemleb. With an excellent team of soloists and the fine Balthasar-Neumann-Ensemble, under Thomas Hengelbrock’s reliable baton, this ought to have been a winner. As one would expect, there is some extremely fine singing. Véronique Gens is a wonderful Niobe, moving with complete assurance from her initial imperious confidence to the utter desolation of the final act, where she witnesses the deaths of her husband and children and is herself turned to stone. Iestyn Davies is a similarly subtle Creonte. His ‘Lascio l’armi e cedo il campo’ in Act 2 is thrillingly done, and his trumpet-and-drum accompanied ‘Di palmi e d’allori’ brings the opera to a rousing conclusion. Lothar Odinius and Amanda Forsythe, as Tiberino and Manto, respectively, make a finely matched pair of young lovers. Bruno Taddia is suitably solemn as Tiresia, Manto’s father. Alastair Miles makes a sonorous Poliferno, almost overwhelming the band in his Act 2 ‘Numi tartarei’. Tim Meade (Clearte) rises nobly to his tragic accompagnato in Act 3, as he witnesses the deaths of Niobe’s sons. Delphine Galou is absolutely perfect as the nurse Nerea; her witty commentaries on the foibles of her ‘betters’ (e. g., the final aria of Act 2) are highlights of the recording. About Jacek Laszczkowski’s Anfione, I am less sure. The part was probably written for the castrato Clementin Hader and Steffani has given him some terrific music, much of it in up-to-the-minute fully accompanied da capo style. He has the pearl of the score, the glorious ‘Sfere Amiche’ in Act 1, sung in the Palace of Harmony, with a stage band in addition to the orchestra in the pit. Although possessing a formidable technique, and wondrous tone, Laszczkowski sometimes sounds slightly under the note, and his da capo decorations can be inventive, to say the least (e. g., in ‘Ascendo alle stelle’ in Act 2.) His virtuoso ‘Tra bellici carmi’ in Act 2 is absolutely first class, however.

The overall production is variable. There is a good deal of extraneous stage noise (poor Tiresias’s graphic mugging at the beginning of Act 2 seems to go on forever!) The score has been significantly cut, losing some arias and ballet music, and the scoring occasionally tweaked, with much organ continuo and some additional percussion.

Colin Timm’s scholarly sleeve notes, however, are superb, fully illustrating the exceptional nature of Steffani’s great opera.

Alastair Harper

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Hotteterre: Complete Chamber Music Vol. 2

Trio Sonatas op. 3 Suite op. 8 Camerata Köln
cpo 777 867-2

I gave the first issue in this series a warm welcome and am happy to extend the same to this release. Indeed, the word ‘exemplary’ is not out of place here. Both flutes and recorders are played with a chunky rich sound to which the pitch (390) is a well-chosen contributing factor; instrumentation is varied, though within Hotteterre’s stated parameters; the playing is unfailingly stylish; and the lively booklet essay (German/English) addresses issues of context, content and performance practice. Oh – and it’s lovely music.

David Hansell

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Bach in Montecassino

Luca Guglielmi (1749 Ramasco organ, San Nicolao, Alice Castello)
BWV537/1, 668a, 672-675, 681, 683, 687, 713, 733, 753, 802-805, 846/2, 870b, 903a & 904

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here is an interesting back-story to this CD of Bach organ music played on a one-manual North Italian organ. The pieces come from Bach pieces collected by two 18th century scholars, Friedrich Wilhelm Rust and Padre Martini. Rust visited the Abbey of Montecassino (south-east of Rome) and played the organ there (in 1766), and presented the Abbey with several Bach organ manuscripts. The Abbey continued to build a strong musical reputation over the years, until it was destroyed in 1944. Martini was an avid collector of music and a renowned teacher. Burney reckoned that his vast library amounted to around 17,000 volumes.

This CD is recorded on the 1749 organ in Alice Castello, just north of Turin. It was built by Michele Ramasco, with addition in the early 19th century. It has 26 stops on one manual (with one pedal stop), several of which are divided into bass and treble sections. Although it is typical Italian style, it manages to sound remarkably German on this recording.

Luca Guglielmi’s programme explores the works collected by Rust and Martini, including some lesser-known Bach pieces. He opens with the rarely performed Rust version of the Fantasia Chromatica (BWV 903a) paired with the Fuga sopra il Magnificat. The pairing making a nice contrast between the flamboyant and austere Bach. The rest of the programme includes the four Duets and seven chorale preludes from the Clavierübung III, and early versions of pieces from the Well-tempered Clavier. The CD finishes with the A minor Fantasia and Fugue (BWV 904) usually placed amongst the harpsichord works, but working very well on the organ.

Guglielmi is an accomplished player, with a nice sense of rhythm, pulse and articulation.

Andrew Benson-Wilson


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Handel: Israel in Egypt

Julia Doyle, Maria Valdmaa, David Allsopp, James Gilchrist, Roderick Williams, Peter Harvey SScTBB, Nederlands Kamerkoor, Le Concert Lorrain, Roy Goodman
127:45 (2 CDs)
Et’cetera KTC1517

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ne shouldn’t compare recordings of different works by different artists, even if the composer is the same. However, having just listened to FestspielOrchester Göttingen’s live recording of Joshua, I was deep into the world of Handel oratorio and thus expectant of a similarly absorbing oral experience thanks to this recording of Israel in Egypt. Much to my surprise, however, I found my attention wandering halfway through the first chorus. After listening to end of the first CD, I returned to the first chorus and was struck by the density of sound that it presented. On second listening, I didn’t find it so shocking as before, partly because my ears had adjusted to the difference in sound between Le Concert Lorrain/Nederlands Kammerkoor and FestspielOrchester Göttingen/NDR Chor. However, I realised that my expectation throughout the symphony was of a lighter introduction to the work, despite its dark and awesome beginning. The orchestral sound is, to my taste, too dense at all times in the choruses, lacking subtleties of phrasing. The choir, on the other hand, present a highly polished sound which conveys very well the sense of awe and majesty appropriate to the story. Their subtleties of phrasing are, unfortunately, not always audible over the orchestral sound. However, the arias are a completely different case. In each aria, the orchestra accompanies in a hugely sympathetic and imaginative manner. One can only assume, therefore, that the dense texture of the chorus accompaniment was an artistic decision.

Each of the soloists (this time very well known) is excellent, though with the odd fleeting moment of strain sounding in Peter Harvey’s voice, particularly in the quartet ‘The righteous shall be had’, which is rather high in tessitura.

A rather general and brief overview of the context of the work’s composition (mostly recycling relatively well-known facts) makes up half of the booklet notes. The other half consists of ‘some personal thoughts’ from Roy Goodman. These start unfortunately as an exercise in self-advertisement but, after the initial paragraph, are actually very informative and interesting. The recording is of the complete original three-part version, performed at the premiere on 4 April 1739, and thus includes the opening Larghetto of the organ concerto, HWV 295) completed by Handel on 2 April and played by the composer as an introduction to Part II.

Violet Greene


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Bach & Entourage

Johannes Pramsohler violin, Philippe Grisvard harpsichord
Audax Records ADX13703
J S Bach BWV1024, 1026, Anh. 153
J G Graun Sonata in G
Krebs Sonata in c
Pisendel Sonata in a

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his latest fruit (and a rich one at that) of the collaboration of two of the stars of the younger generation focuses on music for solo violin by Johann Sebastian Bach and his colleagues and pupils. Alongside world premiere recordings of works by Krebs and Graun are the G minor Fuga by Bach himself, the unaccompanied sonata in A minor by Pisendel and two works of uncertain origin – Anh. 153 might be authentic Bach, and Pisendel is a possible author of BWV1024. As the premise of the CD suggests, these two men were well acquainted, and Bach clearly knew Graun’s reputation since he sent Wilhelm Friedemann to him for lessons; Krebs, of course, was one of Bach senior’s pupils. As usual the combination of Pramsohler’s virtuosity in realising the demands placed on him by these composers – along with a genuine desire to give the music a heart and a soul – and Grisvard’s magical realisations (one minute providing harmonic support, then engaging in a keen dialogue with the violin, sometimes even grabbing the limelight for himself) is a joy to behold; if the photo on the cover of the packaging is all very serious, the one on the front of the booklet suggests they have tremendous fun together, too. And that is oh so audible! If Audax had a subscription series, I would recommend you sign up.

Brian Clark

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Sheet music

Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Requiem in f…

Edited by Armin Kircher.
Carus (27.318), €52.50, 72pp.
Vocal score (27.318/03), €18.50, 56pp.
Parts €5.80 each.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]’ve played organ for the F-minor Requiem nearly as many times as Monteverdi’s 1610 Vespers, though mostly (in both cases) for workshops or small-scale concerts. I reckon this and the 23-part Mass are significant works, whereas the 53-part Mass (my parts have 57) is a bit boring, since the rich texture doesn’t produce enough beyond that. The other Requiem in A has nowhere near the power of the F minor one. The edition I have been using was by Michael Pilkington. I can’t remember the details, but it was his copyright in 1992 (though I had the material) and it became ours in 2001. The source was DTO 50 (1918) by Guido Adler. There were arguments that missing parts were available. Our edition, based on DTO 50, is written as 3 trombones, 2 vlns, 3 violas & violone, SSATB (Rip & Solo on the same staves), bassoon & figured continuo. Carus cues the trombones with the A, T & B voices in ripieni. The continuo includes, as required, organ, violone, fagotto & violoncello, while the Kings Music edition has the Violone within the group of strings, which is sensible, as well as the bassoon part on the part above the Bc. (The fagotto doesn’t have any specific function other than as playing the bass, whereas the violone seems much better as part of the string group in our edition.) There used to be discussions about the number of parts – not that there were any missing. But they are now known to have the five vocal parts for soloists repeated by two further sets for additional singers. At probably a later stage, a second fagotto part appeared, and there were three organ parts (not surprising for Salzburg Cathedral). I’ve been rather too busy to compare our score with the new one – I’ll make a comparison if anyone offers to buy it! The difference in layout is that our score is mostly on only one system per page whereas Carus, with a larger format, generally has two staves per page. The Carus vocal score is a normal vocal-score and is slightly easier to read than ours and is a bit more expensive.

One anomaly is that the foot of the first music page follows the German note with “Concerning the basso continuo part see the Critical Report”, but the Kritischer Bericht is only in German. One might expect scholars to understand it, but offering an apparently English commentary when one does not exist is odd. I find that the detailed comments are manageable, but the prose is more complicated, and if the edition has a Vorwort and a Foreword, it’s sensible to include an English Critical Report. It is sensible to see occasionally the orchestral parts, so I requested the violin I and cello. It is way above ours – but it doesn’t actually have to be quite so large when the work was played with one player per part. The cover shows the four galleries, but not for a performance of the Requiem. The title page lists the forces as 5 solo voice and strings, five ripieno voices, 3 trombones ad lib – the continuo was evidently obvious.

It is a marvellous work, whether performed by any decent edition (I don’t know if there are more). A tour de force for performers is Judex ergo in 3/2, with the six crotchets accented on the 2nd and 5th note of the bar, and the music continues except for a cadence at bar 76 (to close one group while another starts the offbeat simultaneously) and at bars 84-85 there is a new phrase “Rex tremendae” stressed by the last syllable filling a whole bar, then starts again with 8 bars of the off-beat rhythm, with the final chord at the beginning of the last bar. The three chords that break the pattern need to keep the penultimate strong, with the concluding note equally significant. Somehow, the performers need to be aware of this: the bar-line shape is still vestigially recognised by performers and listeners! (NB The movement does not start at 1 but at 68.) This is only one of the triple-time sections; Te decet hymnus has the more usual 3/2 with frequent hemiolas. I won’t go on – there are brief remarks on the music in the Foreword. I’d love to hear the piece rehearsed while I was still alive, then had it performed for my funeral or commemoration.

Clifford Bartlett

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Sheet music

Aurelio Bianco & Sara Dieci: Biagio Marini “Madrigali et Symfonie”

Brepols, 2014.
217pp, €60.00.
ISBN 1 978 2 503 55328 3

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his is primarily significant for the completion of the basso continuo, of which only four pages survive. I’ll concentrate primarily on the edition rather than the discussion of the music. Back in the early 1970s, I had a considerable interest in Marini, copying and performing some of his music, including three items from op. 7 requiring six voices and six instruments, which were included in a concert at St John’s Smith Square in aid of another of the Venice floods. Sadly, I never persevered with publishing them.

The volume reviewed here is frustrating in its layout. Publishing it for performance requires much more thought than the editors or publishers have considered. The simplest solution would be to sing/play from facsimile, and the continuo player could read from the existing score. But as it stands, the underlaid texts are too small. It would be more helpful if two-page pieces began where possible (as in the opening six pieces) on the even-numbered pages and minimising turns subsequently. avoiding a start on the odd-number pages if possible.

As a continuo player, I find the editorial figuring to the continuo part erratic. At the time, figuring is often sketchy. The full closing phrase of a section (for instance, in no. 1, bars 13, 22, 29 & the last chord) has no figure. Most players now would assume a major chord, but it’s safer to add a sharp (and the sharp stands for the major chord: ignore modern pedants who insist on a the later usage! Bar 17 would begin with a 6 were it figured, followed by the #6 as edited: but is the cadence D major, and continuing through the next bar? I get the feeling that just a little more help might be given. I always keep to major and minor as sharp or flat and avoid naturals – there are naturals that I would write as sharps in bars 37 & 38. I have no desire to avoid naturals other than in the figuring, but there is some inconsistency of repetition within a bar.

After writing this, however, I came across Thomas D. Dunn’s edition, and I’ve checked the opening song. He begins with a bottom G rather than one at unison pitch with the tenor, with an A as second minim on bar two figured 7 #6. No figure is given for the G in bar 3, which could be minor. In bar 5, Dunn has an E flat figured 7 6. It’s worth comparing the two editions, and on the whole Dunn is preferable, in particular when the voice is tenor. (The print-out is odd, but OK on screen.) Returning to the first three bars, although the principle of having the accom­paniment generally below the voice, it doesn’t necessarily apply to a tenor, but Dunn’s lower octave enables the opening phrase to have some shaping harmony.

The work contains 13 vocal pieces, ranging from one to five singers, followed by 12 instrumental ones. The layout on p. 87, presumably following the original, would have been much more useful had it been placed on the Sommario page, with the list of musical items in the two-column version. However, an additional requirement is the numbering of each piece: the page-number agrees with the 1-12, but then the remaining items should continue the sequence. However, the p. 87 version should stay as is, but with a note saying which part has those page numbers. It would have been more convenient if each piece were numbered. [This is meaningless if you don’t have the score!]

The items are varied, beginning with four solo voices, the first pair for tenor, the second pair for treble. 5 & 6 are tenor duets, 7 is SB, 8 is ST, 9 is STB, 10 is SSB, 11 is SST, 12 is SSATB and 13 is SSATB + 2 vlns. There follow 12 instrumental pieces, for which I’ll only name specific instruments on specific scoring: 13 for vln, cnt, trmbn + Bc. There are unnamed staves for violins or cornetti and the bottom line can be string bass, trombone or fagotto. I don’t know the timings, but a CD of the volume should mix vocal and instrumental items.

The substantial Marenzio book by the same publisher reviewed in this issue is in English: not all singers can manage exact understanding but there is room in the printing of the text to add an English version in the virtually empty right column. I feel that the writers are more concerned with a musicological study accompanied by lengthy footnotes but the music itself squashed to economise the music by having small print of the notes and even smaller size of the underlay. Instead, the page-size should be bigger, and the musicological text could be in double columns and smaller. It would then be circulated more widely. But I’m not sure that the editors’ Basso continuo is better than the exemple of Dunn. Performers may decide to make their own basses!

Clifford Bartlett

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Planctus: Death and Apocalypse in [the] Middle Ages

Capella de Ministrers, Carles Magraner
CdM 1536

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his CD consists of an uncompromising draught of the 15th century in the manner of the fondly-remembered Ensemble Organum : forthright singing, imaginative instrumental commentary and fabulously florified plainchant. Notwithstanding the stomach-turningly graphic representation of the crucified Christ’s bleeding hand on the cover, this is not in any way a miserable CD, but rather it crackles with life and excitement. The singing, as I have said, is forthright, the intonation is superb and the blend exquisite. From the programme notes it seems to involve a vocal collaboration between the four vocalists of the Capella de Ministrers and five singers of L’Almodi Cor de Cambra, but the sound is splendidly unified and passionate. Invoking the 1414 coronation of Ferdinand I, the group have scoured Spanish sources of the period to recreate the sort of courtly entertainment which greeted Ferdinand’s guests, and the result is a convincing and evocative sequence of largely unfamiliar 15th-century material beautifully performed. Striking is the unsuspected discography of 35 CDs on their own CdM label listed at the back of the present CD.

D. James Ross

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